Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the saga continues, of course....

So about an hour or so ago Suzy came storming into the condo, banging on the locked door to get in. Banging loudly. I said, "when you want to talk, I'm sitting here" (in the dining area). I went back to my computer. Through the open door I see Suzy throwing things into her backpack. I went in and said (calmly) "You were right, I shouldn't have yelled at you. When you want to talk about this, we should. Both of us should talk about it without yelling or cussing."

Yeah, well that wasn't recieved well. Suzy's response was more anger, as well as this other odd thing that happens from time to time. She remembers things differently than they actually happened. Her response was something like (and I'm paraphrasing here because although it was not yelled, it was forceful and angry and spoken quickly: "sure you want to talk after you called me a bitch and said that even though for the past three years you've been saying I was right and Jack was wrong that now you're saying he's right and that I'm just raging at him. Sure, you want to talk after you yelled at me. You're the one with the rage problem. M and I both agree that you're the one who has problems."

Then she left.

So I called M and found out that Suzy had called M a few minutes earlier. "She's really upset, what happened between you?"  I wish I knew. M's words of wisdom were something like "you two should really just talk" as if that's going to help.

People don't understand. It doesn't matter how much we talk. Things do not get better. They just get worse.

And today, another day of vacation, ruined.

And now I'm a crappy parent because all I care about is my ruined vacation, right?

Anyway, Suzy had called M saying that Jack (her husband) was buying her a plane ticket home and that she was arranging for transportation to the airport. M wanted to know if was okay to go pick up Suzy. Of course I said yes.

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